Am I Eligible for the NDIS?
One of the crucial steps in determining your eligibility for NDIS funding is providing evidence of your disability to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).
The NDIA plays a significant role in evaluating various factors, such as the nature of your disability, its duration, and its impact on your day-to-day life, to determine your NDIS eligibility.
Here are the NDIS eligibility criteria for disability funding.
What are the requirements for NDIS funding?
Age range
For NDIS eligibility, you must be between the ages of 7 and 65.
If you are over 65, you may be able to apply for both NDIS and Aged Care.
If you have a child under 7 in your care, you may be eligible for Early Childhood Early Intervention.
Australian residency
Are you an Australian citizen?
You must live in Australia and be an Australian citizen, permanent visa holder or protected special category visa holder.
If you don't meet the residency criteria, don't worry. There are alternative funding options that may be available to you.
Do you live in Australia?
Living in Australia is a prerequisite for NDIS eligibility.
Disability support needs
Meeting specific support requirements is essential for NDIS eligibility. These include:
You or your loved one requires assistance from another person due to a permanent or significant disability and/or
You or your loved one uses specialised equipment because of a permanent and significant disability and/or
You need immediate support to reduce your future needs
NDIS eligibility checklist
While not exhaustive, here are critical questions from the NDIA to determine your eligibility:
Are you aged between 7 and 65?
Are you an Australian citizen?
Do you reside in Australia?
Do you require support or use specialised equipment due to a permanent and significant disability?
Do you need immediate assistance to minimise future needs?
Do you require support to enhance your family’s ability to assist you?
Next steps
If you meet the NDIS eligibility criteria outlined above, explore the process of applying for NDIS funding.
By understanding the types of NDIS funding and the support available, you can start envisioning the positive impact it can have on your life or the life of your loved one.
If you're new to the NDIS, the prospect of your first planning meeting may feel daunting and overwhelming.
In this blog, we'll examine the topics that will be discussed during the meeting, what to prepare ahead of time, and what to bring with you.